The footpath on Freeks Lane (north of Eastbridge Avenue) is to be upgraded to an all weather surface similar to other footpaths around the town as part of the ongoing development of the green circle. The planning application (DM/25/0088) involves a hard standing path suitable for pedestrians and cyclists with a width of 3m except where gradients or landscape features are not able to permit this and on the basis no trees are felled during the build.
The work is due to commence in April with a six months duration and will include a new bridge across the Adur and will then loop round to connect with the planned secondary and primary school adjoining Isaacs Lane. I have highlighted the need to ensure all weather access from the houses off Eastbridge Avenue directly to Freeks Lane like the one pictured at Denchy Mead and asked that the informal cut through from Buckthorn Place is similarly upgraded.