Conservative policies contributed to the current energy crisis

The catastrophic effect of delays in moving to net zero were highlighted in a recent IMF report showing the UK’s reliance on gas is a root cause of the current crisis. Yet Conservative energy policies will make this worse, the proposed subsidy for energy companies helps high use consumers at the expense of direct help to those who need it most, and subsidies an industry making billions in profits. There solution to encourage fracking is wrong on both environmental and cost grounds.

UK energy costs are the most expensive in Western Europe, particularly for those on low incomes. Measures that could have reduced costs such as wind and solar power (which is NINE TIMES cheaper than using gas) have been actively delayed by the Conservatives who have also failed to implement a comprehensive insulation program, and we are still building new houses without any significant energy saving measures.

Liz Truss herself cut gas storage faculties when she was a government minister, this could have enabled prices to be averaged out, but instead forces us to export gas because we cannot store it. We need assertive government action that puts the cost of a freeze on the increase in the energy prices onto energy companies, not taxpayers, and brings forward measures to phase out expensive gas central heating with investment in alternatives, as well as funding insulation and conservation measures.

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