All parties approve Mid Sussex District Plan

The District Council’s District Plan was approved by all political parties at a meeting tonight, this is important because it allows the Council to identify where housing developers are allowed to build, and to enforce standards for new developments as well as the infrastructure they are required to deliver as part of that development. Without it developers would be free to submit speculative housing applications for any site and not be constrained by Council development policies. The plan now moves on to the next stage of public consultation.

The new Liberal Democrat led administration took power in May after the first stage of the plan identifying housing sites had already been agreed, and its first step was to review the District Plan by setting up an all-party working group and to consult parish and town councils to ensure their concerns were heard.

Liberal Democrats previously opposed one of the housing sites identified in the plan, the designation of Chanctonbury Allotments in Burgess Hill for housing, however it was soon became clear that it would be very difficult to take the site out without putting at risk the whole plan. Instead, the provision of a viable replacement was prioritised that would gift land to the Town Council, which is larger than the original site and within a reasonable walking distance. The developer will be required to ensure the new allotments are properly established before any allotment holders are required to move, and I understand it is likely to be at least five years before any redevelopment takes place.

I would particularly highlight the promotion of the First Homes initiative which is a form of discounted housing required to be delivered as part of the affordable housing provision on new housing sites as 25% of the total number of affordable housing units on a site. They are delivered by developers and secured through the S106 agreement by a legal restriction on the title. First Homes must be discounted by a minimum of 30% against the market value and after discount, the selling price is capped at £250K on first sale.

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